Detailed Program

Monday, September 2nd 2024
09:30 - 10:30
Title: Federated Learning for the IoT
Chair: Sadi Alawadi
Room: NI:A0510
13:00 -14:00
Lunch Break
14:00 - 16:10
Chair: Erdal Akin
Room: NI:A0513
  • Automated Log Message Embeddings
    Adrian Murphy, Daniel Larsson, Fanny Soderlund, Ola Angelsmark and Johan Eker
  • Data Warehouse for Monitoring Patients Served by a Network of Public Health Centers
    Wilson Castillo-Rojas, Victor Angulo Olivares and Francisco Alcota Puga
  • FPGA-based Acceleration of Deep Q-Networks with STANN-RL
    Marc Rothmann and Mario Porrmann
  • A Layered Strategy for Reducing Offloading Latency in Fog Computing
    Ahmed Chebaane, Muhammad Kamran Arshad and Abdelmajid Khelil
14:00 - 16:00
PhD Forum and Poster Session
Chair: Yaser Jararweh and Helen Karatza
Room: NI:A0502. Posters will be displayed in the fifth floor outside rooms at 16:00.
  • Pre-Shared Key Authentication in Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman Over COSE
    Elsa Lopez Perez
  • Power Cost for Secure and Reliable IoT
    Erik Gottschalk
  • Optical Character Recognition Using Optimized Convolutional Networks
    Anum Nawaz, Muhammad Irfan and Tomi Westerlund
  • Towards Efficient Edge Computing: Optimizing Lightweight Models for Weather Classification
    Kyeongeun Seo, Chang Mo Yang and Dongchil Kim
  • Estimating Human Activities in Bathroom Through Sound Event Detection in Embedded Systems
    Koki Mori, Ryotaro Ohara, Takayuki Genda, Shun Sato, Shintaro Izumi and Hiroshi Kawaguchi

Tuesday, September 3rd 2024
08:00 - 09:00
09:00 - 09:20
Chair: Romina Spalazzese
Room: NI:C0E11
09:20-10:20 AM
Keynote 1: Daniela Nicklas
Title: Smart Cities - A Play Ground for Fog, Mobile Edge, and IOT-based Computing
Chair: Fahed Alkhabbas
Room: NI:C0E11
10:30 - 13:00
Technical Session 1
Chair: Prashant Goswami
Room: NI:A0607
  • Mobile Application Placement in Multi-access Edge Computing Environments
    David Schuster, Marc Hesenius and Volker Gruhn.
  • Decentralized Task Scheduling in Satellite Edge Computing
    Emiliano Casalicchio and Danilo Magliarisi
  • Effective Timing for Reserving Fog Computational Resources for Time-Sensitive Vehicular Applications
    Ahmed Chebaane, Abdelmajid Khelil, Makki Ben Salem and Bchira Ben Mabrouk
  • 11:45 -12:05 (Coffee Break)
  • Harnessing Temporal Information for Efficient Edge AI
    Max Sponner, Lorenzo Servadei, Bernd Waschneck, Robert Wille and Akash Kumar
  • Analyzing Per-Application Energy Consumption in a Multi-Application Computing Continuum
    Saeedeh Baneshi, Ana Lucia Varbanescu, Anuj Pathania, Benny Akesson and Andy Pimentel
13:00 - 14:00
Lunch Break
14:00 - 16:00
Technical Session 2
Chair: Thomas Dreibholz
Room: NI:A0607
  • SHEDAD: SNN-Enhanced District Heating Anomaly Detection for Urban Substations
    Jonne van Dreven, Abbas Cheddad, Ahmad Nauman Ghazi, Sadi Alawadi, Jad Al Koussa and Dirk Vanhoudt
  • Enhacing Logistics with Computer Vision and Fog Computing-Driven Auto-ID Technologies
    Juan Jesús Losada, Angel Luis Perales, Pedro E. López-de-Teruel, Alberto Ruiz and Felix J. Garcia-Clemente
  • Flow Control Solution to Avoid Bottlenecks in Edge Computing for Video Analytics
    Antero Vainio and Sasu Tarkoma
  • Accelerating scalable manufacturing models with Discrete Event Simulation as-a-service
    Moustafa Faheem, Vishal Sharma, Adrian Murphy and Carlos Reaño
  • TeLeGaiT: Transfer Learning on Fog for Generalizable and Real-Time Transport Mode Detection
    Mahdieh Kamalian, Amir Taherkordi and Paulo Ferreira
16:00 - 16:20
Coffee Break
16:20 - 17:30
Technical Session 3
Chair: Feras M. Awaysheh
Room: NI:A0607
  • Haywire: A System for Visualizing and Analyzing Streaming IoT Data
    Antero Taivalsaari
  • On the Future of the Internet of Things: Revisiting the Roadmap to the Programmable World
    Antero Taivalsaari and Tommi Mikkonen
  • Advancing Threat Detection in Fog Computing: A Comprehensive Approach to Real-Time Analysis and Model Generation
    Lucía Cuadrillero Paredes, Ángel Luis Perales Gómez, Oscar Canovas, Lorenzo Fernández Maimó and Felix J. Garcia Clemente
18:15 - 20:30
The welcome reception is organized at the city hall, the address is Stortorget 2, 211 34 Malmo.
We will walk together from outside Niagara at 18:00.

Wednesday, September 4th 2024
08:00 - 09:00
09:00-10:00 AM
Keynote 2: Fabio Paternò
Title: Human Control in Daily Environment Automations
Chair: Sadi Alawadi
Room: NI:C0E11
10:30 - 13:00
Technical Session 4
Chair: Slawomir Nowaczy
Room: NI:A0607
  • Energy-Efficient Scheduling of Moldable Streaming Computations for the Edge-Cloud Continuum
    Sajad Khosravi, Christoph Kessler, Sebastian Litzinger and Jörg Keller
  • Evaluation of 5G Readiness for Critical Control of Remote Devices
    Stanley Chukwuebuka Nwabuona, Michael Stübert Berger, Sarah Renée Ruepp, Haorui Peng and Maria Kihl
  • Leveraging RF Signal Transformation and Sigmoid Calibration for Optimized Drone Class Prediction
    Mustafa Daraghmeh, Yaser Jararweh and Anjali Agarwal
  • 11:45 -12:05 (Coffee Break)
  • Artificial Intelligence-Driven Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Base Station Placement: Current Advances, Challenges, and Use Case
    Sharief Abdel-Razeq, Ayat Al-Khdouer, Haythem Bany Salameh, Yaser Jararweh and Ghaleb Elrefae
  • Multi-Factor Trust Management in Distributed Storage Networks based on Capacity and Behavior
    Ibe Van Thillo, Zeeshan Hameed and Claus Pahl
  • Architecture proposal for adding FOG processing capability to a Smart Building Management System
    David Martinez Casas, Andrea R. Presas, Jose Cotos and Jose Angel Taboada
13:00 - 14:00
Lunch Break
14:00 - 16:00
Technical Session 5
Chair: Jens Lundstrom
Room: NI:A0607
  • The Role of the Data Quality on Model Efficiency: An Exploratory Study on Centralised and Federated Learning
    Gustav Nilsson, Martin Boldt and Sadi Alawadi
  • LLMRAG: An Optimized Digital Support Service using LLM and Retrieval-Augmented Generation
    Oscar Cederlund, Sadi Alawadi and Feras Mahmoud Naji Awaysheh
  • AutoML in the Face of Adversity: Securing Mobility Predictions in NWDAF
    Syafiq Al Atiiq, Christian Gehrmann, Yachao Yuan and Jakob Sternby
  • A Novel Approach for Intrusion Detection using Online Federated Learning on Streaming Data
    Victor Arvidsson, Sadi Alawadi, Martin Boldt, Ola Angelsmark and Fanny Söderlund
  • Scheduling Linear Workflows with Multicriteria based Partial Computations in a Cloud–Fog–Mist Environment
    Helen Karatza
16:00 - 16:20
Coffee Break
16:20 - 17:30
Technical Session 6
Chair: Yaser Jararweh
Room: NI:A0607
  • Optimizing QoE for Virtual Reality Games on Mobile Edge Networks
    Scott Fowler and Sami Souihi
  • Green, scalable and efficient IoT architecture
    Safa Bendaouia, Ahmed Lounis and Abdelmadjid Bouabdallah
  • FODAS: A Novel Reinforcement Learning Approach for Efficient Task Scheduling in Fog Computing Network
    Ganesan Nagabushnam, Kyong Hoon Kim and Yundo Choi
18:30 - 21:00
Gala dinner

Thursday, September 5th 2024
08:00 - 09:00
Keynote 3: Johan Eker
Title: Cloudy with a Chance of Offloading: The Lighter Side of Edge Computing
Chair: Romina Spalazzese Room: NI:C0E11
10:10 - 13:00
Technical Session 7
Chair: Sadi Alawadi
Room: NI:A0607
  • A General-Purpose Middleware System for Edge-side Data Processing
    Ichiro Satoh
  • Hybrid Edge-Cloud Computational Offloading for XR Medical Applications
    Daria Alekseeva and Aleksandr Ometov
  • Boosting Microservice Resilience: An Evaluation of Istio’s Impact on Kubernetes Clusters Under Chaos
    Shubham Singh, Cristina Hava Muntean and Shaguna Gupta
  • Just the FACTS: Flexible and Energy Efficient Federated Access Control for the Edge
    Shereen Elsayed, Chandra Krintz and Rich Wolski
  • Pairing Computations at the Edge and Cloud Servers to Improve Performance of Heterogeneous Systems
    Md Raihan Uddin and Abu Asaduzzaman
  • A Comparative Study for Server Selection Schemes in Multiserver Mobile Edge Computing
    Kahlan Aljobory and Mehmet Akif Yazici
13:00 - 13:15
Closing in room NI:A0606
13:15 - 14:15
Lunch Break